Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What's wrong with love?

I roll my eyes whenever a friend puts up a self-pitying Facebook status lamenting the loss of love and how it doesn't exist or how some random guy doesn't take her calls or how she's all alone in a crowd, unloved and abandoned by pretty much everyone.

It makes me angry. So, so angry. What would a person barely out of teenage know about love? A real understanding of the matter at hand (or life in general) takes years. If humans lived longer, and women did not have a biological clock to hyperventilate about, I'm certain everyone would marry late into their 40s. It's the time when everyone's more or less sensible, quirky (but more discreet about it) and have learned the all-essential quality of toleration.

I don't understand my friends's notion of romance. So you eat out a couple of times. Talk on the phone till either your balance or your battery is exhausted. But when it comes to compromise, out fly the daggers! And down stream the tears... :\

I don't know if it's technology, emotional unavailablity or if my lot is wired differently. But people seem to have no patience for any kind of adjustment. Or maturity. Or the slightest bit of sense in their heads.

I am aware that I sound condescending in my approach. More so, since I have never been in a relationship. I had my reasons, of course. They just don't need justifying. Either way, I have a fairly decent idea of what it feels like to be let down. Royally. So I'd like to believe I know what I'm talking about.

I find the friends who claim to be abandoned by the world at large most ungrateful.

Really now, you've got family. You've got friends. You don't want to tell them what's on your mind. And you expect them to get you. It seems a difficult mental process to understand.

And it's a gender universal thing. Love is too intense and powerful a feeling to be used lightly, thrown around for the next person you share your pizza with.

A huge issue I find with my peers is that they want to grow up. And really fast at that too. We want the best of things (not in an evil, materialistic way). We want to commit and surrender completely to the charm of a beautiful relationship. Except we don't know how to. The compromise is always one-sided and the grass is always greener on the other side.

We've forgotten to wait for love. Because we're too busy trying to seek every ounce of it from whoever bestows it upon us. It's okay to wait, I want to tell my friends at times. It's okay to want to be single. It's okay to be by yourself, till you find a truly mature person you can spend your time with. Why are we in such a hurry? Why do we 'love' with such passion, only to weep at its inevitable fizzle?

Why do we pick a partner over self-esteem? Humiliation over self-reliance? Misery over sorrow? Believe you me, happiness really is a matter of choice sometimes. But when, oh when will we ever learn? :)

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